Brett dorrian artistry STUDIOs

Located in the Park Building
1595 Selby Ave., Ste. 101
St. Paul, MN 55104


Studio Appointment Hours

(by appointment only)

Sunday: Closed/By Request
Monday: 7am-4pm
Tuesday: 7am-6pm
Wednesday: 7am-6pm
Thursday: 7am-4pm
Friday: 7am-3pm
Saturday: 9am-3pm

Inquire directly about:

Booking a time outside of the regular studio appointment hours/days- anything can be by request

Requesting services at locations other than the studio

Booking in advance for a private wedding or event

Discussing a custom request that isn't listed as an existing package

Questions?  Check out the FAQ page on the website


Sign Up for Our Newsletter

Fill out the form below to join the studio’s newsletter to stay in the loop. But you know what we hate? Schmoozy sales-y emails sent ALL of the time. If you join the studio’s newsletter, we will only send out emails that pertain to actual updates/info. as relevant when relevant. We will not inundate your inbox with a terrible email marketing schedule scheme- promise. Cheers!